
 2022-01-18 00:02:57

An Analysis of UN Document Translation from the Perspective of Skopos Theory

By Zhao Xu

In partial fulfillment of the requirement

For the B. A. degree

Department of English

School of Languages and Cultures

Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology

June, 2017


My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to my supervisor professor Yang linchong, who offers me valuable guidance in every stage of my academic studies. In the writing process of the thesis, she has enlightened me and spent much time reading through each draft and provided me with inspiring advice. Without her insightful academic observation, kindness and patience, it would not have been possible to the completion of this thesis.

As for the other people, who offer me help during the writing of this thesis, especially to my friends and classmates who gave me encouragement, I would like to extend my gratitude to them. Last but not least, I still need to give my gratitude to my parents who have been assisting, supporting and caring for me all of my life.


1. Introduction

1.1 An Overview of the UN and UN document

1.2 Literature Review

2. Skopos Theory

3.The UN documents transltion under the Skopos rules

3.1 The guidance of the purpose rule

3.2 The guidance of the coherence rule

3.2.1 Fluency and nature

3.2.2 Proper style

3.3 The guidance of the fidelity rule

3.3.1 Impartial Translation

3.3.2 The fidelity rule subject to the Skopos and coherence rule

4. Conclusion


An Analysis of UN Document Translation from the Perspective of Skopos Theory

Zhao xu

Department of English

School of Languages and Cultures

Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology

Abstract: The translation of UN documents plays an important role in the functioning of the organization. UN translation has formed a unique system with its own characteristics and special demands necessitated and dictated by the nature of the work of the UN over around seventy years' history. However, the skills and wisdom concealed in UN translation is yet to be fully explored. Study in this area can provide an important insight and lesson for translators, translation organizations and translation educational institutions.So far, only a few scholars have studied about UN translation yet none of them has used translation theories in their analyses. Based on their work, this thesis provides an analysis of UN document translation by employing the Skopos theory. Starting with discussions on the features, style and purposes of the UN documents, the thesis studies how the three rules of the Skopos theory, namely the Skopos coherence and fidelity rules, are applied, intentionally or otherwise, to UN translation.

Key words: UN document translation, Skopos rule, coherence rule, fidelity rule

摘 要: 文件翻译在联合国的运作中扮演了非常重要的角色。由于联合国秘书处近七十年会议服务历史的积累,联合国文件翻译也形成了一个自有的体系,从翻译流流程、方法到用词都有其特定的规范。然而,联合国翻译工作所包含的智慧、技巧、经验和教训等还未得到充分理解和认识。对这个领域开展深入研究,将对中文翻译水平的普遍提高产生积极的推动作用。当前,研究联合国文件写作及翻译,尤其是中文翻译的著作或文章屈指可数。并且,这些文章多未谈及联合国文件翻译的理论指导。在前人研究的基础上,本文尝试引入翻译理论,以翻译目的论为依据,从联合国文件的特点、写作风格入手,结合翻译实践,分析目的论三原则,即目的原则、连贯原则和忠实原则对于联合国文件翻译的指导意义。


1. Introduction

1.1 An Overview of the UN and the UN document

The United Nations was founded in October 24, 1945, and has a total of 185 member states. If a country is to become a member of the United Nations, it must agree to accept the obligations of the Charter of the United Nations, which is an international treaty, stipulating the basic principles of international relations.

Member states of the United Nations must have sovereignty. The UN is not a government for the world, it thus does not promulgate laws. Yet the United Nations works out ways to help resolve international conflicts, and formulate policies that affect all of us.

The United Nations has six chief organs, among which the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council and the Secretariat have their headquarters in New York city of the USA. The sixth main body is the International Court of Justice, which is based in Hague in the Netherlands.

As for the UN document, United Nations Editorial Manual gives a definition to the word documentation, which refers to a collection of written materials issued by the United Nations authority or approved by the United Nations agencies, regardless of the way it is issued or the procedures adopted in its replication. Another definition of the United Nations documentation is "the text submitted to the main body of the United Nations or the subsidiary body for its deliberation" (Cao, Zhao, 2006)


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