An Analysis on the Common Grammatical Errors in English Writing of High School Students--On Improving English Writing Skills

 2022-01-18 00:03:33

An Analysis on the Common Grammatical Errors in English Writing of High School Students

By Yu Huaxian

In partial fulfillment of the requirement

For the B. A. degree

Department of English

School of Languages and Cultures

Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology

May, 2017


Lots of people offered me significant help on my thesis writing.

First and foremost, I would like to express my most sincere respect to Professor Xiong Mingli, for her guidance during my thesis writing process. In the period of nearly half year, Professor Xiong helped me with extraordinary patience, consistent encouragement, and thoughtful guidance. To be honest, I can’t finish this paper without her professional instructions.

Secondly, I want to show my grateful heart to those people who have helped me in offering advice and sharing resources, including other teachers, my friends, also the authors of references. I also feel grateful to my enthusiastic classmates and genial roommates, for their sharing, advice, and cooperation. My college life becomes so splendid because of their accompany.

Lastly, I owe much to my beloved family, for their understanding, supporting, and containment through all my life.


1. Introduction

1.1 The definition on English writing

1.2 High school English grammar teaching methods

2. The common grammatical errors in English writing of high school students

2.1 Incomplete sentence

2.2 Redundant sentence constituents

2.3 subject-predicate disagreement

2.4 Inappropriate usage of predicate-verbs

2.5 Inappropriate usage of tense and voice

2.6 Inappropriate usage of words

2.7 Inappropriate comprehension of word order

3. Suggestions

3.1 Correct logical relationship

3.2 Fewer Chinglish

3.3 The importance of reading to high school students

4. Conclusion


An Analysis on the Common Grammatical Errors in English Writing of High School Students

Yu Huaxian

Department of English

School of Languages and Cultures

Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology

Abstract: English writing is an important skill in English learning with grammar as one of the vital factors. English grammar is the rules of wording and phrasing, it is an art about how to put the right word in the right position, it is knowledge on logic. In the writing process, there will more or less appear some grammatical errors among students, it is almost due to their poor grammar knowledge, logic confusion, learning not in-depth enough, or inadequate time. This paper analyses the seven common grammatical errors of high school students’ English writing as example, namely incomplete sentence, redundant sentence constituents, subject-predicate disagreement, predicate verb, tense and voice, part of speech, and word order. Some advice in this regard is offered accordingly.

Key words: high school students; English writing; grammar error




1.1 The definition on English writing

English writing is a “must” capacity for high school students, and has been an inevitable part in every English test. A composition is made up by paragraphs, the paragraph structure consists generally three parts: the topic sentence, the extended sentence, and the ending sentence. Topic sentence is the thesis statement of a paragraph. In order to show the viewpoints on the theme of writing materials, we often place the topic sentence in the beginning of each paragraph. Topic sentence is the soul and always the dominant position of a paragraph, and the rest sentences would be written around the topic sentence. The extended sentences are usually used to narrate or prove the topic sentence. In general, we write the extended sentences by giving examples (for example, in a case in point is that, for instance, such as, take...for example, etc), citing figures (a recent research/survey/study shows that, a scientist has found that, a report said that, etc), or quoting a saying (there is an old saying that, ...once said, ...has said that, etc). The extended sentences makes people more likely to resonate with the author. The ending sentence helps the author in summarizing the viewpoints once more, it is also a echo of the topic sentence. The ending sentence is not a must branch of a paragraph, but it can makes your essay more excellent.

1.2 High school English grammar teaching methods


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