On the Translation of Chinese-Specific Words in Two Ways

 2022-01-18 00:03:43

On the Translation of Chinese-Specific Words in Two Ways

By Xu Qilin

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

For the B.A. Degree

Department of English

School of Languages and Cultures

Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology

May, 2017


As I finished the last punctuation of the thesis and look back to the whole process, I would like to seize the opportunity to express my gratitude to all the people who have offered encouragement and support, and have made the process much easier than expected.

First and foremost, my sincere gratitude goes to my supervisor, Instructor Pan Min, for her academic instruction, patient guidance and warm encouragement during the writing of the thesis. Without her insightful supervision, I could not have completed the thesis.

My special thanks go to all the teachers in the School of Languages and Cultures in Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology. In the past four years, their inspiring lectures and meticulous attitudes have stimulated my growth and academic pursuits.

Finally, I’m indebted to my families and friends, who have gave me support both financially and spiritually throughout my life.


1. Introduction 1

1.1. Background of the Thesis 1

1.2. Purpose of the Thesis 1

2. Theoretical basis 2

2.1. Domestication amp; Foreignization 2

2.2. The Definition of Domestication 2

2.3. The Definition of Foreignization 3

2.4. Theoretical Significance 3

3. Chinese-specific words 4

3.1. Classifications and Features of Chinese-specific words 4

3.1.1. Reflecting Social Progress 4

3.1.2. Diversifying the Chinese Vocabulary 5

3.1.3. Acronym 6

4. A Matter of Choice in Translating Chinese-Specific Words 7

4.1. Foreignization in Case Analysis 7

4.1.1. Literal Translation 7

4.1.2. Literal Translation with Explanation 9

4.2. Domestication in Case Analysis 11

4.2.1. Free Translation 11

5. Conclusion 13

References 14

On the Translation of Chinese-Specific Words in Two Ways

Xu Qilin

Department of English

School of Language and Culture

Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology

Abstract: For China’s speeding progress, a great amount of Chinese-specific words appear in the translation work. The words strongly manifest our featured culture, history and politics. It remains a significant issue to translate the words with Chinese-specific words properly. Under the guidance of foreignization and domestication, the author studies the translation strategies of Chinese-specific words in Foreign Minister, Wang Yi’s speech, Build a New Type of International Relations Featuring Win-Win Cooperation. By giving cases of translation, the thesis summarized major strategies in Chinese-to-English translation in terms of the vocabulary with Chinese characteristics. In a bid to facilitate the exchanges between Chinese and western culture, and help the translators with their efficiency when they deal with the new Chinese-specific words in the future.

Key Words: Chinese-Specific Words, Domestication, Foreignization, Translation

摘 要:随着我国的发展和社会进步,产生了很多具有时代新意和富有中国特色的词汇。它们折射出我国特色的文化、政治以及风俗等方面的进步与发展,与我国的社会环境紧密相关。用什么方法来翻译这些具有中国特色的词汇是个值得讨论的话题。




Background of the Thesis

Our countries have made remarkable achievements in respects of economy, politics and culture in recent decades. China’s opinions and attitudes towards some important international events have become the focus of the world, especially to the western countries. So the statements given by the national leaders in political activities and foreign affairs, as well as the documents issued on paper become the main source to get a glimpse of China’s development and policies. The new era brings in endless new things, which come with bulk of Chinese-specific words. Therefore, translation of these words plays a fundamental role in the foreign communication.

Books as CE Translation for Current Affairs (2008) by Jia Wenbo, New Age Chinese-English Dictionary (2013) and articles like English of Chinese Neologisms: A Problematic Task by Yang Quanhong (2003) have contributed to the research of the respect, and attention remains to be paid to the translation strategies.

Purpose of the Thesis

For China’s speeding progress, a great amount of Chinese-specific words appear in the translation work. The words strongly manifest our featured culture, history and politics. It remains a significant issue to translate the words with Chinese-specific words properly.

The thesis has studied the translation strategies of Chinese-specific words in Foreign Minister, Wang Yi’s speech, Build a New Type of International Relations Featuring Win-Win Cooperation, reasons are as follows:


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