
 2022-01-18 00:03:50

On the Feminism in Virginia Woolf’s Works


Chen Lina

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Department of English

School of Languages and Cultures

Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology

June, 2017


I really want to gratitude a number of people. Thanks to their selfless help, this paper could be completed smoothly..

At first, I want to thank my supervisor, Zhao Yamin. She discussed with me to help me determine my theme and writing direction at the beginning when I felt confused with my thesis and enlightens me to go on the research of this subject. During the writing, she also offered me some constructive suggestions to help me clarify my thoughts about how to write the paper every time when I had difficulties. After completing it, she read it carefully and gave her precious suggestions to help optimize my paper although she was busy with teaching and had many other trifles to do. Her selfless help encouraged me to do better in writing.

Besides, I would like to give my sincere gratitude to my lovely classmates. We struggled together and had discussions over the writing of the paper frequently to obtain inspiration. Through the discussion, we benefit much from each other and regain confidence.

Last but not least, I cannot omit my gratitude to my beloved parents. As my spiritual pillar, they always gave their support to everything I determined to do and I was doing during this time. When I felt frustrated and didn’t know how to do, relevant suggestions would gave by them in time. It was them who became my material and spiritual motivation for my further study.


1. The Introduction of Woolf’s Feminist Thought. 2

1.1 Influence from family environment 2

1.2 Influence from relatives 2

2. Earliest Awareness to Androgynous Coexistence 3

2.1 The origin of androgyny 3

2.2 The androgynous view of Woolf 4

2. 3 The reflection of androgyny in To the Lighthouse 5

3. A Room of One’s Own― Call on the Self-liberation of Women. 7

3.1 Material living space. 7

3.2 Spiritual Space. 9

4. The Ultimate Pursuit 0f Gender Equality. 9

4.1 Woolf’s concept of outsider. 10

4.2 Woolf’s concept of outsider community. 11

5. Conclusion 12

References 13

On the Feminism in Virginia Woolf’s Works

Chen Lina

Department of English

School of Languages and Cultures

Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology

摘 要: 在文学界,英国著名作家弗吉尼亚・伍尔夫是意识流小说的开拓者之一,也是著名的女权主义文学评论家。半个多世纪以来,人们从未停止对她的研究,尤其是在西方,20世纪70年代以来,随着女权主义运动的发展,伍尔夫再度掀起了英国文学界专业人士的研究热潮。但通过近年的研究,伍尔夫的身份被定位为单一、激进的女权主义者。本文首先探究伍尔夫女权思想产生的背景和起源,接着通过解读伍尔夫《到灯塔去》,《一间自己的房间》等作品,探讨伍尔夫的女性主义思想在其作品中的体现,为伍尔夫正名。


Abstract: The British writer Virginia Woolf is one of the most famous writers who have initiated stream of consciousness in literature. She is also an outstanding feminist literary critic. In the recent decades, especially in 1970s, multitudes of specialists in English literature set off research upsurge of Woolf once again with the development of the Western feminist movement. As a result, they singly identified Woolf as a radical feminist. This paper probes into the background and origin of Woolf’s feminism first and then attempts to interpret To the Lighthouse, A Room of One's Own and other works of Woolf from three aspects to discuss Woolf's feminist thought.

Key words: Virginia Woolf; feminist; androgyny; freedom; equality

1. The Introduction of Woolf’s Feminist Thought

1.1 Influence from family environment

In 1882, Virginia Woolf was born in a middle-class family in London. Her father, Sir Leslie Stephen, was knowledgeable and wrote many works in the field of literary criticism, history, philosophy, and so on. Leslie Stephen encouraged Woolf to read freely according to her interest and to communicate with him at any time. Because of Stephen’s reputation, literary celebrities such as Thomas Hardy and Henry James often came to visit him. Although Woolf did not receive systematic school education because of her father’s prejudice, the exchange of ideas between the guests at home benefit her a lot. Besides, her excellent talent in literature helped her get wide literary knowledge during this time. Therefore, Woolf is inevitably influenced by the Western cultural traditions. First of all, the ancient Greek culture had a significant impact on Woolf. Woolf had an unusual passion for learning Greek, so very soon she mastered the Greek language. She extensively read ancient Greek scholarly works and literary works. In these writings, Woolf realized the Greeks paid attention to the people, and they emphasized on the individual and the pursuit of freedom. She wished people to study Greek literature over and over to appreciate characters of stable, lasting and original though it was hard to understand Greek literature. (Ma, 2003:31) Woolf's pursuit of a complete man was largely due to the ancient Greek culture, and androgyny embodies Woolf's persistent pursuit of a complete man.

1.2 Influence from relatives


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