
 2022-01-18 00:03:54

Fairy Tale Translation Based on Children-Orientation Theory

By Zhai Tianyuan

In partial fulfillment of the requirement

For the B. A. degree

Department of English

School of Languages and Cultures

Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology

June 2017


I am so appreciate those who have heartily helped me. I wish to thank particularly Professor Chen Zhijie, my tutor, who offered me great help. When I prepared for graduation thesis, he gave me suggestions and revised my paper patiently. Most important, he gave me a lot of inspiration during my paper so that I could clarify my thinking and finish my paper. Without his patient guidance, I would not finish my paper. So, thanks to Processor Chen Zhijie again.

I have gone through a tough time since the start of the thesis, but thank to my friends, I can smoothly through the difficult time. They all helped me a lot. They provided me many references, which I appreciate so much. When I faced with difficulties, they would inspire me and encourage me to move forward.

I can't finish my paper without their helps, so I want to thank them again for their support in one way or another has contributed significantly to the fulfillment of the paper.



摘要 1

Abstract 1

1. Introduction: Fairy Tale and Its Translation 2

2. Child-Orientation 2

2.1 The Definition and Characteristics of Child-Orientation 2

2.2 The Influence of Child-Orientation to Fairy Tale Translation 3

3. The Principles of Fairy Tale Translation on Child-Orientation 4

3.1 Simple and Interesting Words 5

3.2 Vivid and Clear Expression 6

3.3 Vivid and Picturesque Rhetoric 6

3.4 Correct and Understandable Culture Exchange 7

4. Methods for Translating Fairy Tale on Child-Orientation 8

4.1 Methods for Words Translation 8

4.1.1 Literal Translation 8

4.1.2 Transliteration 8

4.2 Methods for Sentence Translation 9

4.2.1 Adding Subject 9

4.2.2 Omitting Conjunction 9

4.2.3 Segmentation 10

4.2.4 Conversion 10

4.2.5 Alternative Translation 11

4.3 Methods for Rhetoric Translation 12

4.3.1 Literal Translation 12

4.3.2 Liberal Translation 13

4.3.3 Conversion 13

4.4 Methods for Culture Translation 14

4.4.1 Annotation method 14

4.4.2 Domestication Method over the Foreignization Method 14

5. Conclusion 15

References 16

Fairy Tale Translation Based on Children-Orientation Theory

Zhai Tianyuan

Department of English

School of Language and Culture

Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology

Abstract: Fairy tale plays an important role in children instruction and enlightenment. However, it is less concerned in Chinese translation history. No matter in terms of cognitive levels or aesthetic standards, children as target readers of fairy tale have their great specificity. So, fairy tale translation should be children-oriented and meet up with the readers of fairy tale.

This thesis at first gives an introduction to the fairy tale and its translation. After their characteristics are analyzed, the necessity and the influence of children-orientation is explained in fairy tale translation. This thesis proposes four principles which are based on children-orientation, and further proposes translation methods.

In short, the thesis puts forward the principles for the fairy tale translation and methods based on children-orientation. Also, the thesis endeavors to provide reference and guidance to the study of fairy tale translation.

Key words: children-orientation; fairy tale; translation





Introduction: Fairy Tale and Its Translation

“Fairy tale is a type of story that typically features folkloric fantasy characters, such as dwarves, dragons, elves, fairies, giants, gnomes, goblins, mermaids, talking animals, trolls, unicorns, or witches, and usually magic or enchantments.” (Thompson Stith, 1972: Fairy Tale). Fairy tale is a literature differs from any others because it has some features that only suit for children. In other words, fairy tale is a kind of special literature for children. For example, fairy tale is usually written in some simple and easily understandable words and sentences. Most important, fairy tale transfers the true, the good and the beautiful through unconstrained imagination in the story, which would benefit the establishment of world view of children (He Jiahuan, 2016: 55).

As a genre of literature with a long history, fairy tale now processes different features according to history, location and culture. Different countries have different fairy tales. On one hand, it is the duty for translators to transfer different cultures for children by translating fairy tales, and the translation works can help children open the mind and learn more about the world; on the other hand, fairy tale needs to absorb nourishment from different cultures to develop.


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