摘 要
本论文将以2018平昌冬奥会闭幕式中的“北京八分钟”文艺演出为研究对象,以Kress amp; Van Leeuwen的视觉语法为理论框架,使用定性研究的方法进行多模态话语分析。并最终得出以下结论:1.“北京八分钟”能够成功树立图像的再现意义、互动意义以及构图意义;2.在整场表演中,还存在除图像以外的语言、音乐等其他模态。其中,视听结合,可以更加明确地传达本次表演的主题。
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments i
Abstract ii
摘要 iii
Table of Contents iv
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Purpose and Significance 1
1.3 Methodology and Research Questions 2
1.4 Thesis Structure 2
Chapter Two Literature Review 3
2.1 Introduction of Multimodal Discourse Analysis 3
2.1.1 Modality and Multimodal Discourse 3
2.1.2 Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar 3
2.2 Studies of Multimodal Discourse Analysis 4
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework :Visual Grammar 6
3.1 Representational Meaning 6
3.1.1 Narrative Image 7
3.1.2 Conceptual Image 8
3.2 Interactive Meaning 8
3.2.1 Contact 9
3.2.2 Social distance 9
3.2.3 Angle 9
3.2.4 Modality 9
3.3 Compositional Meaning 9
3.3.1 Information Value 10
3.3.2 Salience 10
3.3.3 Framing 10
Chapter Four Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Beijing Eight-minute Show at Closing Ceremony of Pyeongchang Winter Olympics 11
4.1 Beijing Eight-minute Show at Closing Ceremony of Pyeongchang Winter Olympics 11
4.2 The Analysis of Visual Modalities through Visual Grammar 11
4.2.1 The Analysis of Representational Meaning 11
4.2.2 The Analysis of Interactive Meaning 14
4.2.3 The Analysis of Compositional Meaning 18
4.3 The Analysis of Other Modalities 19
Chapter Five Conclusion 21
5.1 Major Findings 21
5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Studies 21
References 23
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
In the rapid developing society, information is no longer presented by a monomodality, but by multimodalities such as images and sounds. The multimodal discourse analysis theory that emerged in the 1990s is based on the theory of systemic functional linguistics and was applied to images, music, and language, providing a set of tools for simultaneously analyzing images, music, and text. Some researchers have realized the wide use of multimodality, and they push the study of multimodal discourse analysis. China has successfully hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics, and it will host the Olympics a second time, which makes this Winter Olympics even more remarkable. Now the Winter Olympics is in the "Beijing Cycle". Therefore, this thesis will focus on the Beijing Eight-minute Show at closing ceremony of Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in 2018, and conducts a multimodal discourse analysis to explore its meaning construction and to find out its value.
1.2 Research Purpose and Significance
As a part of the modern Olympics, the Winter Olympics is one of the largest comprehensive sports competitions in the world, and its influence is enormous. In an Olympic Games, sports competitions always attract the most attention, but people's attention to the opening and closing ceremonies cannot be ignored. The expectation for a new Olympic Games began with an eight-minute performance in the closing ceremony at the last Olympic Games. The culture and strength of the host country will be presented in only eight minutes. The meaning of "eight minutes" is to attract the attention of the world in the shortest time. A mass of multimodal texts that are presented in this show are worth studying. This study hopes that the multimodal modal analysis for these texts can promote people's understanding of multimodality and multimodal discourse analysis. In addition, this study hopes that the research results of this paper can help people clearly understand the eight-minute performance and the image of China. And it is expected that the study can contribute to the production of other live shows, movies, advertisements and other video texts.
1.3 Methodology and Research Questions
This study takes the video of the Beijing Eight-minute Show at closing ceremony of Pyeongchang Winter Olympics as the research subject, and adopts qualitative research method to answer two research questions as follows:
① How do the images of the Beijing Eight-minute Show at closing ceremony of Pyeongchang Winter Olympics construct the representational meaning, the interactive meaning and the compositional meaning?
② How do other modalities convey the meaning of multimodality?
1.4 Thesis Structure
In this thesis, chapter one introduces the background information, research purpose and significance, methodology and research questions and thesis structure.
Chapter two is the literature review, which contains introduction of multimodal discourse analysis and some studies at home and abroad.
Chapter three illustrates the main theoretical framework of this study: visual grammar, including representational meaning, the interactive meaning and the compositional meaning.
Chapter four first introduces the research subject. And then it answers the two research questions.
Chapter five discusses the major findings and the limitation of the study and some suggestions for further studies as well. It is a conclusion of the whole research.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Introduction of Multimodal Discourse Analysis
In this part, the author will introduce some concepts about multimodal discourse analysis and its theoretical foundation.
2.1.1 Modality and Multimodal Discourse
Before starting a multimodal discourse analysis(MDA), it is necessary to make sure that what modality and multimodality are. Zhu Yongsheng(2007) gives a detailed introduction of these two concepts. He points out that modality means the way of communication and mode through five sensory channels including, vision, audition, touch, olfaction and gustation. Also, there is a close connection between discourse analysis and visual and auditive modality. These modalities contain language, image, color, and sound.
Having known what modality means, it is easier to understand the meaning of multimodal discourse. Zhu(2007) argues that multimodal discourse is the discourse that uses two or more than two modalities simultaneously or it contains different semiotics. Before Zhu, there have been other scholars who defined multimodal discourse. According to Kress(2000:67) multimodality is “the idea that communication and representation always draw on a multiplicity of semiotic modes of which language may be one”. Li Zhanzi(2003) believes that multimodality discourse is a compound discourse which requires divers semiotic modes.
2.1.2 Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar
Systemic functional grammar(SFG) is firstly put forward by Halliday in 1960s to show how language is used as a semiotic system for conveying meaning. This theory is the theoretical foundation of multimodal discourse analysis. It contains systemic grammar and functional grammar. These two parts cannot be separated and must be put together to constitute a complete theoretical framework of language(Hu, 2017:3).
Systematic grammars(SG), whose core concept is system, regards language as a regular resource, and it is used to explain the internal relations of language. According to SG, language is a kind of symbols. Speakers have to select appropriate semantic functional parts of language to correspond to what they want to express. Hence, language can be a system network, also called “meaning potential”.
Functional grammar is about the use of language and the relationship between language and function, which is used to illustrate langrage as a tool of social communication. Language system is gradually formed by people in the long-term interaction to realize different semantic functions. People’s selections in the language system are based on the function they want to realize. Halliday(1994) puts forward three metafunctions that present how language expresses meaning, including idaitonal metafunction, interpersonal metafunction, and textual metafunction.
Ideational metafunction means language is a function that can help people to express their experiences in the outer or the inner world. Therefore, ideational metafunction is used to transmit messages. Halliday also argues that individuals can use language to take part in social activities. That is interpersonal metafunction. Usually in daily interaction, the main purpose of communication is to give or to demand. People give information and vice versa. (Wang, 2010) Textual Metafunction focus on the creation of text, that is to say, language can be used to organize information. Both of speaker and listener can share ideational and interpersonal meaning in a conversation.
Systemic functional grammar was, initially, for analyzing language usage, but due to the increasing use of image and sound etc, SFG is not useful enough to analyze those semiotic modes except language.
2.2 Studies of Multimodal Discourse Analysis
As visual modality is more widely used in the modern society, Kress and Van Leeuwen published the book Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual Design to provide a theoretical framework for the multimodal discourse analysis of image. They put forward three meanings of visual grammar(VG) that respectively correspond Halliday’s three metafunctions. A part of Chinese scholars such as Gu Yueguo(2007), Zhu Yongsheng(2007) and Li Zhanzi(2003) explain the theories and the methods of MDA in detail to make it easier for Chinese researchers to study MDA.
Generally, researchers use SFG to analyze the lines in a TV series, or the words in a speech. But more researchers prefer VG. Domestic and foreign researchers such as Noriega(2012), Hu Dan(2007), Kong Yanan(2009), Yao Yinyan(2013) and Zhang Wei(2013) use VG to analyze advertisements thanks to their various themes. Similar to advertisements, movies are worth analyzing through VG, for instance, Li Miaoqing(2007) conducts a MDA for a Chinese movie, and Li Xue(2019) analyzes a Hollywood movie. Researchers also try to discuss how to utilize MDA in teaching situations. In addition, there are multimodal discourse analyses with the Olympics as the background. They mainly include the Olympic promotional videos, the Olympic emblems, the Olympic mascots, the official websites of the Olympics, and the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Li Miaoqing(2009) gives a detailed review of visual grammer and applies it to briefly analyze the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympic Games. Scholars help people to multi-angle, multi-level, and deeply understand various works, cultures, etc by multi-modal discourse analysis of different objects.
The author finds that the multimodal discourse analysis in the background of the Olympic Games mostly focuses on the Summer Olympics and the opening ceremony but pays less attention to the closing ceremony. Therefore, this paper will select the Beijing Eight-minute Show at closing ceremony of Pyeongchang Winter Olympics that ended a year ago as the research object, exploring the construction of multimodal meaning, and then filling the vacancy of multimodal modal discourse analysis in the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics, and hopes that the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics can attract more attention.
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework :Visual Grammar
In this chapter, Kress and Van Leeuwen’s visual grammar will be explained in detail as the main theoretical framework for the multimodal discourse analysis in this thesis.
Multimodal discourse analysis was originally based on Halliday's systemic functional grammar. In modern society, meaning is no longer expressed in a traditional way, i.e., using spoken or written language only, but through language with images, color and music. However, systemic functional grammar cannot relate to visual images. Based on Halliday's functional grammar, Kress and Van Leeuwen(1996) proposed a set of multimodal discourse analysis framework for visual image analysis, namely visual grammar. The birth of visual grammar helps multimodal discourse analysis get broader objects of analysis. Kress and Van Leeuwen believe that visual images are also a kind of semiotic language, so visual images can adapt to the three metafunctions. According to the book Reading Images: the Grammar of Visual Design, in visual grammar, visual images reflect three meanings: the representational meaning, the interactive meaning and the compositional meaning. These three meanings separately match the three metafunctions of Halliday’s systemic functional grammar. As shown below in Table 3-1.
Table 3-1 Three Corresponding Meanings in Systemic Functional Grammar and Visual Grammar
Systemic Functional Grammar | Visual Grammar |
Ideational Metafuction | Representational Meaning |
Interpersonal Metafunction | Interactive Meaning |
Textual Metafunction | Compositional Meaning |
3.1 Representational Meaning
Representational meaning indicates that image can faithfully represent the real world and human’s psychological activities. According to Kamp;V (2006), representational images consist of two categories: narrative image and conceptual image. Before explaining these two kinds of images, it is necessary to make a clear expression of the term “vector”. Vectors are “formed by depicted elements that form an oblique line, often a quite strong, diagonal line” (Kress and Van Leeuwen 1996). If there are any vectors in an image, the image is narrative; if not, it’s conceptual.
3.1.1 Narrative Image
Narrative images can present expanded actions and events. Through the relationship between participants and vectors, people can determine the processes that express meaning in narrative images: action process, reaction process and also speech process and mental process. Among these process, action process and reaction process can be transactional or non-transactional.
①Action Process
In an action process, vectors indicate the relationship between the participants and goal. Actor is the participant who send out the vector. The actor himself can be a vector as well. Usually, the actor and the goal, who receive the vector, are the most conspicuous participants in an image. If the action has a goal, it will be a transactional process. If not, it will be a non-transactional process.
②Reaction Process
In a reaction process, vectors are formed by participants’ eyelines. In this case, there is no actor or goal. The human or a human-like participant who send out vectors are the reactors. The participants that the reactors see are phenomena. Similarly, a reaction process can also be transactional or non-transactional. It’s non-transactional when there is not a phenomenon. Generally, this kind of images help viewers find an echo.
③Speech Process and Mental Process
In a speech process and mental process, vectors are the oblique lines that link thought bubbles and dialogue bubbles. In this circumstance, a phenomenon of a transactional process is a “senser” in a thought bubble or a “sayer” in a dialogue bubble.
3.1.2 Conceptual Image
Compared with narrative image, conceptual image express meanings that are more general and stable, such as the structure or a category of an image. Its greatest distinction is that it doesn’t have a vector. The process making of a conceptual image contains three parts: classificational process, analytical process and symbolic process.