
 2023-03-15 10:33:36


摘 要



An Empirical Study on the Status and Problems of a Courier Enterprise


This thesis mainly aims at analyzing and researching the present situation and problems of private express enterprises in China, and puts forward feasible solutions to the existing problems. By comparing the rise of China"s express industry and the characteristics of the express industry, this paper compares the private express enterprises of China with other types of express enterprises, and draws the conclusion that the private express enterprises are faced with the constraints of cost, quality and technology when they flourish. Transnational Express industry experience is relatively mature, and its strong financial system of globalization is the private courier companies can not match, state-run express government background, a lot stronger than the private express industry, in this context, the private courier How the development of enterprises has been the topic of social concern. Therefore, the analysis of the status of China"s express delivery enterprises, in understanding the status under the conditions proposed strategies: to improve service levels, enhance competitiveness, broaden the scope of business. If China"s private can effectively improve the current shortcomings, that China"s private express delivery companies in the whole industry will occupy a pivotal position.

Keywords:Private express; development ; problems; research

目 录

摘 要 II

Abstract II

目 录 III

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究的背景及意义 1

1.2 研究内容及结构 1

第二章 相关文献综述 2

2.1 关于民营快递企业现状研究综述 2

2.2 关于民营快递企业问题研究综述 2

2.3 关于民营快递企业对策研究综述 3

第三章 我国民营快递企业现状 4

3.1 民营快递企业的现状 4

3.1.1 网购交易量逐年增长 4

3.1.2 快递业务量增长迅猛 4

3.2 民营快递业地位 5

3.3 民营快递企业发展特点 5

3.3.1低成本扩张模式 5

3.3.2贴近市场的运营模式 6

3.3.3充分竞争的市场环境 6

第四章 我国民营快递企业存在的问题及分析 7

4.1 “爆仓”问题 7

4.1.1 企业机制问题 7

4.1.2 基础设施落后 7

4.2 人员流失问题 7

4.2.1 人员流失负效应 8

4.2.2 人员流失的原因 8

4.3 品牌建设问题 8

4.3.1 品牌意识薄弱 9

4.3.2 缺乏品牌营销观念 9

4.3.3 品牌管理体系杂乱 9

第五章 我国民营快递企业发展对策 10

5.1 “爆仓”解决方案 10

5.1.1 实施外包联盟 10

5.1.2 优化分拨网络 10

5.2 人员流失解决方案 12

5.2.1 建立人员流失危机预防机制 12

5.2.2 完善薪酬福利政策 12

5.2.3 开展职业生涯规划与培训 13

5.3 品牌建设解决方案 13

5.3.1 完善品牌形象体系 13

5.3.2 设立品牌建设的组织机构 14

5.3.3 提升快递服务水平 14

第六章 结束语 16

致 谢 17

参考文献 18

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究的背景及意义



1.2 研究内容及结构




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