
 2023-03-16 09:32:53


摘 要





Research on the development path and Countermeasure of Nanton Port Logistics Competitiveness


Along with the world economic globalization, regional integration and the development of water transportation service network, as the key part of water transportation node, the function of the port and structure are also constantly changing. Port of the unique geographical endowment advantage continuously in the whole logistics system, and the ports as the important link of the chain of trade, the throughput of growth is closely related to the city economic and trade growth. Port is no longer play the role of traditional loading and unloading, storage and handling, but the economic development of the catalyst, the port hinterland city and surrounding areas can be generate huge radiation effect, and promote the development of urban and regional economic and trade. In the logistics industry is increasingly becoming the "accelerator" of economic development today, the development of the city to the port to provide integrated services for more and more urgent, comprehensive service level of port has become one of the measure of port competitiveness.

In order to adapt to the development of the situation, Nantong port in enhancing its capacity at the same time, make full use of their own advantages, on the basis of the simple function of logistics, to the upstream and downstream industry development. Through the construction of inland port of anhydrous, strengthen the radiating and driving play of hinterland economy, improve the port operation efficiency and economic benefits. In this context, in order to meet the needs of the logistics supply chain management, make port logistics core competitive resources, Nantong port of the need to port of Nantong port logistics competitiveness to promote in-depth study.

This article through to the port development theory to study literature, to determine the meaning of port logistics, through the analysis of the process of Nantong port logistics development and the analysis of the external environment condition, pointed out that the development of Nantong port logistics faces opportunity and challenge, advantage and disadvantage, research in Nantong port logistics development strategy, to achieve sustainable development of Nantong port.

Key words: Nantong port; Port logistics; Development path; Countermeasure research

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 序 论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 研究思路及内容 1

1.3 论文框架 1

第二章 港口物流研究的文献综述 2

2.1 国外相关研究 2

2.2 国内相关研究 2

2.3 本章小结 4

第三章 南通港港口简介及发展环境分析 5

3.1 南通港港口简介 5

3.2 南通港港口物流内部发展环境分析 6

3.2.1南通港口物流发展现状 6

3.3 南通港口物流发展外部环境PEST分析 8

3.3.1南通港口的政治环境分析 9

3.3.2 经济环境分析 10

3.3.3 社会环境分析 11

3.3.4 技术环境分析 11

3.4 南通港口物流发展的机遇与挑战分析 12

3.4.1机遇分析 12

3.4.2挑战分析 12

3.5 小结 12

第四章 国内典型港口物流发展模式及启示 13

4.1 国内典型港口物流发展分析——以上海港为例 13

4.2 国内典型港口物流发展分析——以青岛港为例 13

4.3 国内典型港口物流发展分析——以香港为例 14

4.4 国内典型港口物流发展分析——以深圳港为例 15

4.5 国内代表性港口物流发展的启示 15

第五章 南通港港口物流发展的策略研究 17

5.1 整合港口资源,大力发展南通港集团 17

5.2 积极推进“互联网 ” 17

5.3 维系关系与其他港口协作发展 17

5.4 完善人才培养与引进机制 17

5.5 实现联动发展开展综合开发 18

第六章 总结及展望 19

6.1 研究总结 19

6.2 研究工作展望 19

致 谢 20

参考文献(References) 21

第一章 序 论

1.1 研究背景及意义




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