目 录
1导论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 1
1.2 文献综述 2
1.2.1气象经济相关研究 2
1.2.2 国内气象服务市场发展及商业模式的相关研究 2
1.2.3 简要评述 2
1.3 研究内容与方法 3
1.3.1 研究内容 3
1.3.2 研究方法 4
2气象商业服务的机理分析与模式选择 4
2.1理论基础与创新机理 4
2.1.1制度变迁理论及制度创新理论 5
2.1.2制度变迁理论对气象商业服务创新的影响 5
2.1.3制度创新理论对气象商业服务创新的影响分析 5
2.2商业气象服务模式的中外对比及借鉴 6
2.2.1各国商业气象服务模式分类 6
2.2.2商业气象服务模式中外对比 8
2.2.3国外商业气象服务模式的借鉴 8
2.3适合我国的商业气象服务的模式选择 9
3我国商业气象服务市场发展情况的调研分析 10
3.1 我国商业气象服务水平及影响因素的调研 10
3.1.1问卷设计 10
3.1.2研究样本 10
3.1.3因子分析法 11
3.2结论总结 13
3.3我国商业气象服务市场“低端锁定”的成因分析 13
4.破除气象服务市场“低端锁定”的创新发展对策 14
4.1 管理启示 14
4.1.1 统筹创新全局,大力发展技术 14
4.1.2 结合当下国情,发展龙头企业 14
4.1.3学习先进经验,发展规模产业 14
4.1.4强调合作竞争,巩固战略联盟 15
4.2 对策建议 15
4.2.1 培育本土人才,降低创新成本 15
4.2.2 拓宽现有市场,扩大服务需求 15
4.2.3 规范市场制度,确立相关法律法规 16
5结论与展望 16
5.1 研究结论 16
5.2 研究展望 17
, China
Abstract:With the continuous deterioration of climate, the global meteorological problems happens frequently,so, meteorological economy began to be taken seriously by us, and gradually become a hot issue of contemporary, China has vast territory and diverse climate,therefore, a wide range of meteorological disasters does huge harm to China's economic development, national property and personal safety. In the new century, the most advanced weather information and related services are essential for the actual and potential benefits of individuals, companies, industries and national economies. In addition, in the current stage, meteorological service market business model is not fully awared and used,recogonized by many countries, so, in China,innovating meteorological service market business model is without delay. Based on the comparison of foreign commercial meteorological service model, this paper chooses the meteorological service organization system which is suitable for China's commercial meteorological service mode, and designs the meteorological service organization system which is in line with China's national conditions so as to provide theoretical support and effective countermeasure for the development ofcommercial meteorological service in China. And due to the current level of China's commercial meteorological service, this paper designs corresponding questionnaires, through the actual investigation of the way to the commercial meteorological service providers to conduct a questionnaire survey, and process bottleneck analysis of the meteorological service market business model of China. On the basis of summarizing the influencing factors of the development level of commercial meteorology in China, as well as under the background of globalization and informationization, this paper constructs the inspiration of management of commercial meteorological market in China with the theory of strategic management and puts forward the countermeasures of innovation and development of commercial meteorological service model.
key word: climate change,meteorological economy;choosing meteorological economy service model;factor analysis
1.1 研究背景与意义
1.1.1 研究背景
1.1.2 研究意义
- (1)理论意义:我国是一个地域辽阔,气象种类繁多的国家,每年遭遇各种各样的气象灾害不以数计,气象经济学在我国作为一门新近发展的学科,具有广阔的研究背景以及重要的研究意义。气象经济学的提出较晚,在我国的发展同时也处于初步阶段,但气象经济却与农业,工业,建筑业,交通业,能源业,服装业,物流业等其他行业的可持续发展息息相关,对降低这些行业的生产成本,提高经济效益等有着重大的经济意义。