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    论文总字数:10210字摘 要由于自然条件、社会经济条件的差异,苏北地区的城镇化水平低于江苏省的平均水平。呈现出城镇化水平低、城市辐射能力弱、城市结构性矛盾突出、地区城镇化水平不均匀等基本特征。文章通过分析苏北地区城镇化的发展现状,找到苏北地区城镇化进程中存在的问题,得出苏北地区城镇化水平滞后的原因,将理论阐述与实证分析相结合。提出苏北地区城镇化新的发展策略以解决在城镇化过程中产生的问题。关键词:苏北地区,城镇化,发展策略Abstract:Due to differences in natural conditions, social economic condition, the northern Jiangsu area urbanization level is lower than the average level of Jiangsu Province. Present a low level of urbanization, urban radiation ability, structural contradiction in urban, regional urbanization level uneven characteristics. In this article, through analysis of Jiangsu


    论文总字数:7625字摘 要微博作为一种新兴时尚媒体,在蓬勃发展的网络时代,成为了网络舆论的交流平台,改变了大众媒体习惯的信息传播方式。由于微博的日益发展,微博参政已成为我国参政体系不可或缺的重要组成因素,但是由于复杂的网络环境,微博政治参与还存在着许多局限性,需要通过正确的方法使微博等新媒体在政治参与中发挥重要作用。关键词:微博;政治参与;弊端;对策 Microblog’s controversial role in political participationZhu Haitao(Politics and Public Management School of Huaiyin Normal University, Huaian, Jiangsu Province223200)Abstract: As a new fashionable media, thriving in the Internet age, the microblog has become a platform for the exchange of public opinions, and has changed the way the mass media information dissemination practices. Due to the increasing development of the microblogging, the microblog’s controversi


    论文总字数:9078字摘 要最近几年来,各类公共危机事件在我国发生的频率呈不断上升趋势。有效的治理公共危机,需将社会组织逐步纳入到危机治理中来。社会组织可以凭借其独特的优势,弥补政府能力的不足。但当前社会组织在参与治理的过程中还存在着如各种制度不完善,行为被动,治理能力不足,公众信服度低等方面的问题。需从政府政策立法等工作、社会组织自身制度完善人才引进等方面建设和公众危机教育这三方面来改善克服缺陷以发挥其积极地作用,顺利解决公共危机。关键词:公共危机治理;社会组织参与;困境与措施 Analysis of the reality of China"s social organizations to participate in public crisis managementJiang Yi(School of Politics and Public Administration, Huaiyin Normal University, Huai’an Jiangsu, 223300)Abstract: Recently, the occurrence frequency of all kind public crisis in Ch

    浅析全身反应法在小学英语课堂中的应用Analysis on the Application of Total Physical Response in English Teaching for Pupils

    论文总字数:31421字摘 要如何教孩子学英语已成为教师和专家多年来关注的一个热点问题。近年来,外语教学特别注重激发学生学习兴趣的重要性。全身反应法,作为外语教学的方法和途径之一,引起了中国教育研究者和外语教师的极大兴趣,并且已经广泛应用于小学英语课堂教学中。同时,全身反应法作为一种现代教学法在全世界引起了极大关注。本文旨在说明全身反应教学法对小学生英语学习兴趣的影响,并且阐述了全身反应法的理论基础以及对小学英语教学中的优缺点进行了分析。还讨论了一些具体的教学活动,典型的TPR教学案例,并总结全身反应法在应用中应注意的点,旨在为强化教育实践提供一条新途径。关键词:全身反应法; 外语教学;小学课堂教学;学习兴趣Contents1. Introduction 12. Literature Review 13. The Theoretical Basis and rationale of TPR 33


    论文总字数:10674字摘 要目前我国高科技企业中存在着严重的人才流失问题,对其发展产生了许多不利的影响。为降低人才流失率,从影响高科技企业人才流失的内外部因素进行了深度分析,并提出了相关预防对策和建议。政府加强引导的同时,高科技企业自身还需明确发展战略,建立企业文化,管理者适当放权,完善人力资源管理,通过采取建立有效的薪酬激励机制、为员工设计职业生涯发展规划、加强企业培训等对策来吸引并留住人才,为企业的发展提供保障。关键词:高科技企业;人才流失;成因;对策The Analysis of the Causes and Preventions of Brain Drain in the High Technology EnterprisesDing Zhiwei(School of Politics and Public Administration, Huaiyin Normal University, Huai’an Jiangsu, 223300)Abstract: At present, the brain drain from our high technology enterprises is significant and it has many adver


    论文总字数:30164字摘 要兴趣是学好语言的关键,激发学生学习英语的兴趣是小学阶段英语教学的一项重要任务。英语游戏教学符合小学生的生理和心理特点,并且有助于提高学生学习兴趣,集中学生注意力,还可以培养学生的思辨能力,提高学习效率,使学生在愉快的氛围中学习英语。在小学英语教学中,主要有三种教学形式:词汇教学,句子教学和课文教学。每种教学模式中都可以采用相应的游戏教学法来进行教学。因此,游戏教学法是提高小学英语教学效果的有效手段之一。关键词:游戏教学法;小学英语教学;应用Contents1. Introduction 12. Literature Review 12.1 Definition of Games and Game Teaching 12.2 Studies Abroad 22.3 Studies Home 33 The Effectiveness of English Game Teaching Method 43.1 Stimulating Students’ Interest in Learning 43.2 Focusing Students’ Attention 53.3 Improving Students’ Thinking


    论文总字数:27432字摘 要许多学者都曾从母爱的角度对《儿子与情人》和《孔雀东南飞》进行过研究,故事中的母爱对儿子的影响贯穿了他们的人生。通过对比分析两部作品,可以发现作品中的母亲均有严重的恋子情节:莫瑞尔夫人把对丈夫的爱转移到了儿子身上,嫉妒儿子的恋人;焦母对焦仲卿怀有强烈的控制欲,并遣走了贤惠的刘兰芝。本文将对比分析她们恋子情节的相同之处,解释了各自恋子情节的表现,以及两部作品中父亲角色的缺失所导致的后果。关键词:《儿子与情人》;《孔雀东南飞》;恋子情节;相同之处;不同之处Contents1. Introduction 12. Literature Review 23. The Similarities of Jocasta Complex in Two Works 33.1 Reflection of Jocasta Complex 33.2 The Role of Father 54. The Differences of Jocasta Complex in Two Works 64.1 The Different Pursuits of Mother’s 64.2 The Different Consequences of


    摘 要1. Research Background 12. Literature Review and Need of the Study 22.1 Literature review 22.1.1 Domestic research status 22.1.2 Foreign research status 42.2 Need of the study 53. The Insinuation in Animal Farm 63.1The insinuation of animal revolt 63.2 The insinuation of the battle of the cowshed 73.3 The insinuation of the struggle between Snowball and Napoleon 103.4 The insinuation of the battle of windmill 114. The Grotesqueness of Animal Farm 134.1 The grotesqueness in plots 134.2 The grotesqueness in characters 145. The Contrast in the Seven Commandments 166. Language Features in Animal Farm 186.1 Appreciation of sentence patterns 186.2 Appreciation of some of the phrases 196.3 Appreciation of the language style of different animals 207. Conclusion 22References 23Abstract George Orwell’ s Animal Farm is a distinguished work around Russian history taken on with the form of fair tale, written by British well


    论文总字数:9715字摘 要目前,随着中国社会的快速发展和城市化进程的逐步加快,新生代农民工已经在社会多个领域当中扮演着重要的角色,成为了农民工群体的主力军。他们的性格和行为等方面和上一代农民工有较大的不同。然而,分析新生代农民工的特点、了解这个特殊的群体身上的问题对于理解新生代农民工这一群体的发展变化以及对新生代农民工实施有效的管理是十分重要的。关键词:农民工;新生代农民工;城市生活;管理Study on Characteristics and Management of The New Generation of Migrant WorkersFang Jing ( School of Politics and Public Administration,Huaiyin Normal University ,Huai’an Jiangsu 223300)Abstract: Now,with the rapid development of Chinese society and city quickened,the new generation of migrant workers has played an important role in many fields of society.They have become the main force of migrant workers.Com

    基于语言处理论对中国大学英语专业学习者中介语发展阶段的实证研究 (An Empirical Study of Staged Development of L2 Acquisition on English-Major Students' Oral English Ability)毕业论文

    摘 要近年来,由于高等教育的急剧扩张,高校培养出来的英语专业人才的质量不能很好满足社会发展的需求,该问题在理工科院校的外语类专业显得尤为突出,这离培养多元化高质量的英语专业人才的目标还有一定距离。本研究着眼于当前英语专业教学现状以及英语专业学生口语学习情况,基于第二语言习得理论——语言处理论对大学英语专业学生口语能力进行实证研究,进一步验证该理论在英语口语教学及学习中的科学性,同时也不断完善对二语习得者中介语发展及学习阶段的研究,为我国理工类院校外语类专业培养方案的改进提供可行性借鉴和建议。关键词:语言处理论;二语习得;英语口语AbstractIn recent years, due to the rapid expansion of higher education, the quality of college English majors cannot well meet the needs of social development in China. The problem is particularly pr



